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Dieses Thema hat 5 Antworten
und wurde 722 mal aufgerufen

Beiträge: 30

02.08.2011 13:44
Renault - Smashed!!! Zitat · Antworten

This project, like all my other projects, had to be different. :) This one I call - Smashed! I looked at many pics of different truck crashes and went on from there. Enjoy the photos.

V 8 Trucker

Beiträge: 866

02.08.2011 18:34
#2 RE: Renault - Smashed!!! Zitat · Antworten

Hi, one without a name,

your truck looks in accidents already look very real.

What may have happened to?

greeting Jan


Beiträge: 1.838

02.08.2011 22:45
#3 RE: Renault - Smashed!!! Zitat · Antworten

Poor Renault!

LG Björn


Beiträge: 30

03.08.2011 10:08
#4 RE: Renault - Smashed!!! Zitat · Antworten

Yeah, poor Renault.

Kiwi Trucker

Beiträge: 1.808

04.08.2011 03:33
#5 RE: Renault - Smashed!!! Zitat · Antworten

Very well thought out, Excellent build...Ken..

Cheers from down under.Ken..
From out of the mist and into the fogg


Beiträge: 30

04.08.2011 15:00
#6 RE: Renault - Smashed!!! Zitat · Antworten

Thanks again Ken for looking. Appreciate your comment.

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