J for was dismount in parts when j had a flash light on an old Payhauler 180.J told mysself J'll repared and give good look.
Repared the side of the box is pushed by the interior of 1.5mm
to make the installation of the automatique panel
Make a walking
Make realistic tires
To make hydraulique as much as possible
To make a first weathering
The weathering of oil and grease is not made yet
To make a cylindres
J make again keeps muds
J begin the mud weathering ,j applied the first layer of mud
J succeeded has to obtain finish it that j wanted in the bucket the outside.The bucket is not finished it middes has several place.
J finished the weathering of mud ,it is necessary that j remove peaks which are there because j made too thick mud receipts.It remains me to finish the weathering of before truck.